Thursday 6 August 2009

It's been a while. Just lazy to type. Work is as usual. Bz with observations n book checking. Just want to share few things bout my daughter. She asked me one time how old am I? So I jokingly told her 4 years old, sengaja muda setahun dari ia. She asked me just now lagi n I said mami 33. She said ari atu mami said 4 yrs old jua, tadi kaka bagitau my fren my mami 4 yrs old. We all laughed!! N i asked her apatah nya ur fren? She said my fren tekawa (ain is still trying to adjust her tongue to some wrds, this one is ketawa actually). I told her mami is just joking so Saturday u tell ur fren mami was joking. Kanak2 tah jua banar..

N she showed me her assessment today n she got 50/50 for Maths!! N 40/50 for english. Thats's very good. I was so amazed she looked like nda pandai dirumah but she scored excellently!! Looks like this one is going after my huby, Maths! I hate that. But at least she can master one of those hard subjects. I cud teach her to improve her english tho. I want her to master both. I am so proud of my daughter! She wud be in Pri 1 next yr insyallah di Jigsaw Primary Lambak. I dunno where else to put her n I hope this one is the best for her.

Mami wants to have a garage sale tomorrow. N I'm sure I have lots of things to sell, but malas mengakas. Las tnite we had our solat hajat n doa selamat. My sis is going to UK on my other sis's demand. They wud be here for fasting! Yey! Nda terasa it's been a yr now. I am ecstatic to see baby Dania. My hubby is fasting today, n my maid too. But hubby wants to eat outside, so sparing me the fuss of cooking. Hehehe..bukan apa lama dah nda masak semenjak pregnant ani.

Soon is fasting, n am not sure wud I be able to? baby ani nta makan aja as early as 7 or 8 am. Dimana kah kan makan nanti ni dskulah..hehe..betapuk ganya ni..Gotta go now...

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