Tuesday, 11 August 2009

We went to send my bro in law ydy. He had go home early for his thesis. Final yr! Yey! Then next yr hopefully we can have cheerful Raya. But then uncu wud just be starting her degree..another 3 yrs bru d family complete. Well...my sis wud be coming home next 2 wks. A yr has passed nda terasa. Drg ada, Usam n family wudn't be here this yr. He's doing his Masters in Spore.

My daughter was crying before her acai went in. Cian jua becucuran airmata, so cute. She kept on saying dr rumah that she will miss her acai. I sure will miss acai, she said. She was wearing her mask n glasses. Mcm MJ! hehe..we had our buffet at RBC. N she kept on wearing her glasses whenever she wants to choose some food. Mcm kai glasses atu lebih tarang, gagah lagi.

I am sad to say that RBC is still like that jua. Makanan nya...hemm... As my huby said if org mkn dsana a yr ago, n dtg lagi a yr later, they won't miss anything. I didn't eat much, padahal kelaparan. The buffet was ok, but kan menambah lagi, don't think so. Mahal saja, the cakes n fruits pun pi mai pi mai tang tu jua. Restoran biasa pun buahnya sikoi, batat jua, n RBC yg high prestige ia jua. Mcm nada budget usulnya. So sad...they took a lot of our money but it was not worth it, nasib baik kana belanja (thanks tik!) if not, I wudn't waste my money on it.

I have two more observations to do n some book checking. Hopefully by the end of this week smua kaja dah siap. N am yet to mark my students' papers. Malas eh..I really want to have a good rest. Maybe am about to catch my daughter's flu n cough. Mcm nda nyaman rasa. My daughter dah 3 hari dicutikan sendiri cos she is coughing n selesma. Nasib jua nda panas..Gotta go..

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