Monday 19 October 2009

It is nearing to Nov but batang idung my maid alum jua nampak2nya. Apalah nasib...My huby cian udah meliat me yg turun naik menerikah bepanyap dgn tummy yg getting bigger. Alhamdulillah Tuhan masih membagi kekuatan n kesabaran as not to lose my temper rah agent ani. Ia pun a nice lady n I know it's not her fault, but at least give me some news, update me once in a while. Ani nda nda ada bunyinya lagi, n if I text too much krg, mcm bibiran jua baginya. hemmmm.....

I am yet to finish my paper ntah napa liat sangat ku kan ngabiskan dis paper. My syllabus wud not be done this yr, 3 more phys and 1 chem but at least they are not too big topics lah. I had the 'evils' just now and will have the 'donkeys' later. Am really not in the mood kan being supportive even tho exam is coming cos they don't look serious to me, so why bother?

The MOE is banning private tuition when clearly these students will be better off with extra learning, but hey who are we to say please reconsider? This is NOT a free country! No one will be heard unless ur somebody so there you go, free tah semua, but opinion wise, we r not a free country, just keep them to yourself!

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